Every year, APNIC provides training to thousands of network engineers and administrators all over the Asia Pacific region. Now APNIC is asking for help from that community to make sure its training courses continue to provide what’s really needed at the right price and in the best possible format.
In 2014 alone, 2,886 professionals were trained by APNIC across the Asia Pacific region in 76 tutorials and workshops in 22 economies. APNIC provided training at PacNOG (x2), SANOG (x2), MyNOG, NZNOG and SGNOG, as well as the newly established groups in Bangladesh (bdNOG) and Bhutan (BTNOG). 141 eLearning webinars were also delivered.
We are proud of the courses we deliver on technical topics such as OSPF, BGP, MPLS, Routing and Network Security, to name a few.
But ours is a dynamic industry and as such, we need to be sure that we are responding to the training needs of our Members.
To do so, APNIC is undertaking a more in-depth assessment of training needs and requirements of the Asia-Pacific Internet community. The aim is to understand the level of demand for training, the types of training that are required, the main topics of interest, and where training is needed.
We are asking for your help to do this. By participating in this survey, you will help APNIC plan and improve its training programme, and enable it to meet the future requirements of the Asia-Pacific Internet community.
As an added incentive to participate, anyone completing the survey before 7 March 2015 will entered into a prize draw for an iPad Air 2. There will be a further draw for another iPad Air 2 after the survey closes on 22 March 2015, so early birds have two chances to win!
All responses provided will remain confidential and will only be used by APNIC for purposes of planning its training and technical assistance programmes.
We are grateful for your time is assisting us to continue delivering excellence in our training.
The views expressed by the authors of this blog are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of APNIC. Please note a Code of Conduct applies to this blog.