APNIC participated at PacINET 2014, held in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, from 22-26 September 2014.
PacINET is the regional conference and AGM of the Pacific Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC), held to share ICT knowledge and related experiences in the Pacific Islands. This year’s theme centred on “Internet innovations for development across the Pacific”.
In addition to APNIC’s participation, there were a number of updates from related organizations such as ICANN and ISOC. Save Vocea, ICANN’s VP of Stakeholder Engagement for Australasia and the Pacific spoke about ICANN stakeholder engagement at the recent APNIC 38 Conference in Brisbane, Australia. Graham Hassell from Victoria University of Wellington talked about eGovernment and Don Hollander, General Manager of APTLD, gave an introduction of the work APTLD do in the region. PICISOC also announced the new board for 2015, which includes: Edwin Liava’a (Fiji), Ellen Strickland (NZ), Jackson Miake (Vanuatu), Maureen Hilyard (Cook Islands), Patrick Queet (Fiji), Priscilla Kevin (PNG) and Winifred Kula Amini (PNG).
APNIC activities:
- Elly Tawhai and Nurul Islam conducted the following tutorials during the event:
- IPv6 Essentials
- Internet Resource Management
- Network Security
- Internet Routing Registry (including RPKI)
- Elly presented the APNIC Regional Update, providing an overview of IP addresses and the services APNIC provides.
- Elly also took the opportunity to meet with Members and potential Members during the week to discuss their membership and IP address requirements.
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