The Asia Pacific Telecommunity hosted a Ministerial Meeting in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei Darussalam from 10 to 11 September. The 11th Asia-Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF-11) preceded the Ministerial from 8 to 9 September.
APNIC participated in the ADF-11 and attended the Asia-Pacific ICT Ministerial Meeting as an observer.
The ADF-11 prepared ground for the Ministers to adopt a Joint Ministerial Statement that was in turn developed by an APT Correspondence Group to which APNIC also contributed.
The resulting Statement contains a commitment by Government signatories in the Asia Pacific to work collectively with stakeholders to achieve a range of objectives including the greater development of broadband connectivity, increasing human resources capacity and providing a secure, safe and sustainable environment through ICT initiatives.
The focus areas negotiated by the Governments include:
- Conducive Policies for Sustainable Growth of ICT and Smart Digital Economy
- Safe and Secure Society through ICT
- Trust and Confidence in ICT
- Sustainable ICT Ecosystem for Innovation
- Capacity Building and Institutional Development
- Fostering Regional Cooperation for ICT Development
APNIC activities included:
APNIC contributed to the Joint Ministerial Statement and Plan of Action by encouraging Governments to include references to the importance of adopting IPv6 as a common standard for the future development of ICT in the region and to the creation of an “environment that fosters the development of next generation networks, IPv6 enabled infrastructure, smart devices, applications and services, including useful and creative contents; encourage light-touch regulation and a market-driven approach to technology and services” in the effort to build a sustainable ICT ecosystem.
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