The Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) is the platform for discussion, exchange and collaboration on Internet Governance in the Asia Pacific region.
The 5th APrIGF was themed “Internet to Equinet – an Equitable Internet for the Next Billion!” and held from 4-7 August in Delhi, India. It was hosted by ISPAI and supported by NIXI.
Over 250 people attended and 18 workshops were held under the selected themes for 2014: enabling access, security and DNS, the Internet and human rights, and IGF and the future of Internet ecosystem.
The APrIGF was co-located with the SANOG (South Asia Network Operators Group) meeting, also with the Youth IGF (yIGF), and the inaugural Asia Pacific Internet Leadership Program (APILP),a professional development event for new Asia Pacific leaders on Internet Governance matters.
APNIC has supported all five APrIGFs so far, and four Secretariat staff members attended the event in Delhi: Director General Paul Wilson, Strategic Engagement Director Pablo Hinojosa, Senior Internet Development Advisor Sunny Chendi, and Community Awards and Grants Specialist Sylvia Cadena.
APNIC activities at APrIGF
- Paul, as the current chair of the Multi-stakeholder Steering Group of APrIGF, spoke during the opening and closing sessions
- Paul presented at the Asia-Pacific Leadership Program (APILP) on “How the Internet works – and why”
- A workshop panel was held on IANA stewardship transition and the Asia-Pacific community, where key interests of community members were identified and discussed. These included: the transition timeline, definition of the multi-stakeholder community, feasibility of meeting the NTIA conditions, what are the changes expected in a year or two years time, and criteria for evaluation of transition process
- Pablo spoke on engagement in the Asia-Pacific region, in a workshop about ICANN globalization
- Sunny presented, and Pablo participated in, the Justice Sector workshop organized by APTLD on 3 August, and spoke on how IP addressing works, the Whois database, and issues and challenges for the Justice Sector
- Sylvia presented in the APrIGF Youth Forum – yIGF, attended the Multi-stakeholder Group Meeting and participated in numerous workshops
Various side meetings were held including:
- Paul, Pablo and Sunny met on 7 August with Mr R S Sharma, Secretary of Deity, Dr Ajay Kumar, Joint Secretary of Deity and Dr Govind, CEO of NIXI
- Sylvia and Pablo met with Kelvin Wong of ICANN, to discuss ICANN’s Public Responsibility work, and collaboration of ISIF Asia and APNIC training with ICANN
- Sylvia, Paul and Pablo met with Phet Sayo from IDRC regarding the ISIF and SEED projects; including extension of the existing IDRC grant, the external evaluation process, and future support from IDRC
- Sylvia met with ISIF grant recipients including Ennovent, Nazdeek and FMA regarding ISIF Asia matters (for more information see http://isif.asia).
Follow up Actions:
The APrIGF panel session on the IANA stewardship transition was an opportunity for APNIC to gather regional views on the transition process. The issues raised in this session were discussed at the time, but they will also be brought to the coming APNIC 38 meeting, in Brisbane. A consultation session on the IANA transition will be held on Wednesday 17 September, at 11am.
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