Farewell APNIC community

By on 1 Jul 2024

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Paul at Global Mobile Internet and IPv6-Next Generation Internet Summit in 2009.

Dear APNIC community,

As I write this post, I reflect on APNIC’s journey over the past 25 years. Over these decades, APNIC has grown steadily — from a team of five in 1998, to over 100 staff now; from a membership of a few hundred to over 10,000 today; from a little-known technical operation to an institution with a track record and a reputation, and a mission that will endure.

Our success lies absolutely in the people who have made up APNIC over all these years — inside the organization but more importantly, in the community. The Members of APNIC and of that community; the colleagues and experts who became our friends, who supported and guided the organization, and of course, the staff who’ve made APNIC’s mission their mission. It has been an honour and a privilege to lead such an extraordinarily diverse and dedicated group of people.

APNIC isn’t confined to office walls; it’s a community that extends to the entire Asia Pacific region. It has been built by Members and stakeholders who share a vision and a set of values, and who have dedicated centuries of collective time and effort, to create deep and lasting connections. These connections are the foundation of APNIC, and they will endure long after my departure.

As I step aside for our new Director General (DG), to be announced in the coming weeks, I am genuinely optimistic for APNIC and its future. I know that the new DG will share a deep commitment to APNIC’s mission, and I’m absolutely confident that the organization will be in very capable hands. I am excited to see how a new leader will build on APNIC’s successes and navigate all the challenges that will (no doubt) arise in future.

Reflecting on my own situation right now, I know that any time of change is a challenge, but it’s also a time for revitalization, and for ‘personal growth’. This is the same for all organizations, and I have no doubt that under new leadership, with a very solid and experienced team, APNIC will grow, improve, and thrive.  And most importantly, it will continue to serve Members, the community, and the Internet, to the highest standards.

I leave APNIC incredibly proud of all that we have accomplished together in the last 25 years, grateful for the unique and wonderful experiences that it has given me; and also confident and optimistic that the best is yet to come.

With gratitude and optimism,

Paul Wilson,

Outgoing Director General

P.S. Unfortunately I won’t be attending APNIC 58 in Wellington this year, but plan to return for APNIC 59 and APRICOT 2025 in Dhaka next year, and I look forward very much to that.

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  1. Ismat Zerin

    Your 25 years of dedicated service and leadership at APNIC have been remarkable. You’ve built an enduring legacy and a thriving community. Best wishes to you and APNIC’s future under new leadership. Your contributions will leave a lasting legacy, and hopefully the future holds even greater promise.

  2. Jahangir Hossain

    Your contributions to APNIC and the border internet community are always inspiring and remarkable.


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