BGP communities: A weapon for the Internet (Part 1)
Guest Post: Under some circumstances, BGP communities can be used to drop and redirect traffic.
Guest Post: Under some circumstances, BGP communities can be used to drop and redirect traffic.
Guest Post: To avoid route leaks providers need to implement a stricter filtering policy.
Guest Post: I’ll seek to set the record straight for several of the most common misconceptions about IPv6 security.
Why did DNSSEC validation fall and only regained momentum in the last recent six months?
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The FIRST-TC was for the first time included as a track in the recent APRICOT conference in Daejeon, South Korea. Find out all that happened.
Guest Post: JPCERT/CC has recently updated its LogonTracer tool (v1.2.1), which supports event log analysis.
APNIC participated at the AITI Smart Future Forum in Brunei Darussalam from 30 to 31 January 2019.
KrCERT/CC works in cooperation with the government, ISPs, and information security companies to prevent the spread of cyber-attacks and is a focal point of contact for Korea on international cybersecurity incident handling.
Geoff Huston investigates how authoritative DNS servers respond to random name attacks.