Solving the expiring Root CA certificate-mageddon; partly at least
Guest Post: There are problems brewing with Root CAs reaching their end of life.
Guest Post: There are problems brewing with Root CAs reaching their end of life.
Guest Post: Learn about the past, present and future efforts surrounding the deployment of RPKI in China.
Guest Post: A new, open-source platform allows you to assess the current state of Route Origin Validation deployment.
Nurul Islam and Dinesh Bakthavatchalam joined local and regional Internet experts at the recent BdNOG 4 in Sreemangal, Bangladesh, last week.
Services Director, George Kuo, participated at the 24th TWNIC OPM, presenting on the importance of NOGs in the Asia Pacific region.
APNIC’s Sunny Chendi and Tuan Nguyen attended to present various technical updates and provide training at the 24th South Asian Network Operator’s Group (SANOG 24) in New Delhi, India.