Evaluation of anti-DDoS features in full-service resolvers
Guest Post: Simulating a DDoS attack, Japanese researchers tested a full-service resolver configured with both fetch-limit and serve-stale enabled.
Guest Post: Simulating a DDoS attack, Japanese researchers tested a full-service resolver configured with both fetch-limit and serve-stale enabled.
Internet traffic on the Tokyo Olympics network peaked at around 20Gbps thanks largely to athletes streaming video content.
Guest Post: Internet Exchange Points were a hot topic during JANOG 48.
Guest Post: Regional Internet Exchanges have improved RTT by up to 87% in towns outside of Japan’s major Internet hubs.
Adli Wahid presented in building skills in cybersecurity at the ASEAN-JAPAN Cyber Security Seminar, held online on 11 August 2021.
The Order of the Sacred Treasure is one of Japan’s most prestigious awards recognising outstanding achievement in public service.
Guest post: DNSSEC validation is past 25% worldwide but progress has not been spread evenly. Why?
APNIC supported and participated at JANOG 45 in Sapporo, Japan, from 22 to 24 January 2020.
Guest Post: The snowy conditions outside did not deter attendees with over 1,500 people participating in the three-day conference.
Guest Post: Around one in four people who streamed the 2019 National High School Baseball Championship did so via IPv6.