Local packet filtering with IPv6
Guest Post: How should you approach local packet filtering of IPv6 when configuring firewalls?
Guest Post: How should you approach local packet filtering of IPv6 when configuring firewalls?
Guest Post: Beijing Internet Institute’s Linjian Song analyses China’s IPv6 deployment challenges and the path forward.
Guest Post: Should ISPs assign a /48 or a /56 to customers in their IPv6 address plans? Jordi Palet Martinez answers this question and more in part two of his IPv6 addressing article.
Guest Post: In the first part of a two-part article, Jordi Palet Martinez suggests IPv6 addressing plan considerations for ISPs serving residential and SOHO customers.
APNIC participated at the 28th TWNIC OPM held in conjunction with the TWNOG 2017 meeting in Taipei, Taiwan from 21 to 22 June 2017.
APNIC will deliver a five-day Internet Resource Management, IPv6 and Network Security workshop on 25–29 September 2017, in Funafuti, Tuvalu.
APNIC hosted IRM and Network Security training and a Member gathering in Mongolia from 13 to 15 June 2017.
APNIC participated at npNOG 2 from 15 to 18 June 2017, in Kathmandu, Nepal. APNIC also held a Member Gathering for Nepali Members on 18 June.
APNIC participated at the fourth Bhutan Network Operators Group (BhutanNOG 4) meeting on 5 June 2017.
Are more specific routing advertisements in BGP a considered use of routing or simply creating a mess?