Busy end to 2018 Internet governance calendar
Can discussions surrounding cybersecurity governance learn from past Internet governance experiences?
Can discussions surrounding cybersecurity governance learn from past Internet governance experiences?
Here are three of our best thought provoking reads from 2018 for your holiday break.
Opinion: The importance of being able to measure the economic impact of the Internet and its services is vital for the fair and effective operation of markets.
Learn about the outcomes from APNIC’s participation at the ITUs 20th Plenipotentiary Conference held recently in Dubai.
APNIC participated at IGF 2018 in Paris, France from 12 to 14 November 2018.
APNIC’s Sanjaya participated at the Indonesian Internet Governance Forum (ID-IGF) in Jakarta, Indonesia on 1 November 2018.
APNIC’s Sunny Chendi participated at inSIG 2018 and the inaugural Youth IGF India 2018 in New Delhi, India, from 13 to 15 October 2018.
Guest Post: The Youth Internet Governance Forum India held its inaugural meeting on 12 October 2018.
Geoff Huston shares his thoughts on the future of Internet governance ahead of a panel session at the forthcoming Internet Governance Forum seeking to discuss its past, present and future path.
Guest Post: With complicated issues on the Internet landscape, we need greater collaboration between the tech and Internet governance community.