How networking technology enables cheating in online exams
Guest Post: How might a student cheat during a supervised in-person online exam in a BYOD environment?
Guest Post: How might a student cheat during a supervised in-person online exam in a BYOD environment?
Guest post: How Starlink could make your Internet faster.
Guest Post: Could Starlink availability discourage undersea cable development for small island economies?
Guest Post: Investigating the least likely suspect in router configuration.
Guest Post: What I learned when I figured out how to navigate FCC filings.
Guest Post: Network and IT readiness to deal with cheating in the age of online assessment.
Guest Post: What Auckland University learned from testing Starlink in the field (and a cyclone).
Guest Post: Research into network-coded tunnels for satellite links is a group effort, standing on the shoulders of giants.
Guest Post: How Singapore became the nexus of undersea communications and the tree that shrank the world.
Guest Post: Dreaming of a mesh utopia in the Pacific.