Measuring BGP in 2023 — Have we reached peak IPv4?
Geoff Huston’s analysis of BGP routing table growth for 2023.
Geoff Huston’s analysis of BGP routing table growth for 2023.
Is an alternative Trust Anchor structure for RPKI feasible?
Measuring QUIC (performance, spin bit, and ECN), transparent forwarders, and invalid prefix dropping.
Domain Control Validation, generalized notify, Compact Denial of Existence, and other areas of activity in DNS-related Working Groups.
How can we better understand responsibility for large outages?
Why mandating IPv6 DNS transport requires careful thinking in specifications.
How APNIC Labs measures ROA production and ROV-invalid filtering.
Breaking down how APNIC Labs measures the adoption of DNSSEC validation.
The challenge of trustable Internet infrastructure.
What happens if an implementation of BGP recognizes a transitive attribute but all other implementations do not?