IPv6 and the DNS
How much of the DNS resolution infrastructure is IPv6 capable?
How much of the DNS resolution infrastructure is IPv6 capable?
Two years ago I reported on the use of the elliptical curve cryptographic algorithm in generating digital signatures for DNSSEC. Let’s see what’s changed over the past 24 months.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are on the increase. But what are the motivations of the attackers?
APNIC Labs has a new reporting tool that can show the performance of IPv6 relative to IPv4 at both a country-by-country level and a network-by-network level.
Geoff Huston shares his impressions from sessions he attended at IETF 96, Berlin.
Have you considered this year’s leap second to be scheduled for midnight UTC 31 December 2016?
Two BoF sessions at IETF 96 discussed the merits of using UDP as an end-to-end transport service substrate – with different reactions.
Geoff Huston looks to make sense of what an “Open Internet” means in today’s world.
While the current open nature of DNS queries makes third party monitoring, interception, and substitution incredibly easy, there are now some grounds to be optimistic and start to contemplate a DNS environment that preserves privacy and integrity.
Geoff returns to the subject of IP packet fragmentation, this time looking at how IPv6 has changed the behaviour of packet fragmentation and discussing the concern of whether IPv6 can handle big packets.