The APNIC Executive Council (EC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Akinori Maemura as a member of the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) representing the APNIC region.
The NRO NC fulfils the role of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC).
Maemura-san will serve a one-year term, from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025. He is currently the Chief Policy Officer at the Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) and a former member of the ICANN Board of Directors and APNIC EC.
Maemura-san will join the community-elected representatives from the APNIC region on the NRO NC, Di Ma and Nicole T I Chan. Nicole was elected to the NRO NC at APNIC 58 for a two-year term, starting 1 January 2025 and ending 31 December 2026.
The APNIC EC would like to thank departing NRO NC member, Gaurav Kansal, for his service to the community.
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