APNIC supported and participated in SANOG 40, held in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 16 to 20 October 2023. SANOG 40 was held with LKNOG, which celebrated its seventh anniversary.
The event welcomed 150 participants to hear from speakers on topics including routing, DNSSEC, and much more. View the agenda for more information.
APNIC activities:
- APNIC hosted a booth, meeting several APNIC Members, answering their questions on getting more IPv4 addresses, training resources, becoming an APNIC Community Trainer, and referral membership applications. Pubudu Jayasinghe also held confidential consultations with several APNIC Members.
- Terry Sweetser presented on RPKI in South Asia.
- Dave Phelan presented on DDoS in South Asia.
- Terry also conducted the BGP, IPv6 and RPKI workshop, alongside APNIC Community Trainers Dibya Khatiwada and Subhashini Kadurugasyaya.
- Md Zobair Khan and Warren Finch conducted the Network Security and DNSSEC workshop.
The event is available to view online.
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