Register here to join this event on March 25 2021 at 17:30 (UTC+10).
Most online interactions involve multiple jurisdictions based on the locations of users, servers, Internet platforms, or technical operators. Legal cooperation between states is required to handle this digital reality; however, there are not yet enough appropriate frameworks to solve this complex problem.
How can policy practitioners develop robust interoperable solutions to cross-border legal challenges?
The Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network (I&JPN) was created back in 2012, as a multistakeholder organization, to ease the tension between the cross-border nature of the Internet and national jurisdictions. The organization works through a global policy process involving over 400 key entities from governments, the private sector, technical operators, civil society groups, academia, and international organizations.
To enable transnational cooperation and policy coherence, the work of I&JPN is split into three programs: Data, Content and Domain Names. These programs aim to develop solutions to cross-border legal challenges.
Recent examples of outcomes produced by these programs are the I&JPN Toolkits. These toolkits provide an overview of the jurisdictional challenges, offer methodologies for multistakeholder policymaking, and benchmark best practices to support policy practitioners. These toolkits are useful for those who want to learn about certain topics, to support the development of new policies and processes for different organizations and/or to improve existing ones.
The following are the three toolkits developed by the Data, Content and Domain Names programmes, respectively:
- Toolkit on Cross-border Access to Electronic Evidence
- Toolkit on Cross-border Content Moderation
- Toolkit on DNS Level Action to Address Abuses
These toolkits are the result of broad consultations and will be unveiled in a virtual conference organized by I&JPN on March 18.
In support of this collaborative work, APNIC, together with I&JPN, will hold an informal ‘lounge event’ on Thursday, 25 March at 17:30 (UTC+10), to present these toolkits, catering for participants from the Asia Pacific in a more friendly time-slot. The program of the event will bring speakers from the Secretariat of the I&JPN and will allow for discussions and questions from the participants.
This event is free, and your participation is welcome! Register now!
Frane Maroevic is the Director of the Content & Jurisdiction Program of the Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network.
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