It was Oceania’s turn to host Networking from Home (NFH) this week with 226 participants from 35 economies taking part in the final event of the series.
Geoff Huston opened proceedings with a look at browser certificates and trust, with presentations on RPKI deployment, learning from honeypots, network queue management, and hardening Linux infrastructure leading up to a panel discussion on IXPs with representatives from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Fiji.
Participants watched 1 hour 47 minutes of the event on average, with 88% of attendees from the APNIC region and 58% from Oceania economies. The three economies that contributed the most attendees were Australia, the United States and Fiji, with Pacific Islands contributing almost one-fifth of participants.

A great response to the NFH concept
Now that the NFH series has concluded, it’s worth looking back on the past three months.
The NFH concept was created by APNIC with the blessing of its Network Operator Group (NOG) friends to help fill the gap left behind by the cancellation of NOG events in the region due to COVID-19. The idea was that NFH could provide a place for technical folk in the region to share their experience and expertise with their peers, just like they would at a NOG event, and it would hopefully make a difference in the NOG communities.
Judging by the response to the four events, I think we can safely say it’s achieved what it set out to do.
Across the four events, 1,219 people from 45 economies attended with 91% of participants drawn from the APNIC region. The program was created by 27 community members, with 21 representing each of the NOGs participating.
The program committee appointed 42 different presenters, moderators and panellists from the community over the four events, with great feedback from the attendees; 91% of respondents to the event surveys agreed the presenters were stimulating and engaging, and 94% agreed the content was relevant and useful. The average watch time for the four events was 1 hour and 40 minutes (or 67% of the event run times).
To everyone who attended one or more of the NFH events: we’re all really glad that you enjoyed the show.
Our appreciation
Networking from Home has worked because of the joint effort, support and trust that exists between the NOGs in the region and APNIC. On behalf of APNIC, I’d again like to thank all the NOGs who took part for their support. Those who arrange NOGs do so in their own time as volunteers, on top of their very busy day jobs (which have been a lot busier during the pandemic) so the contribution is really appreciated. APNIC has always been a proud supporter of NOGs and will continue to provide support as best it can.
Thanks also goes to the NFH supporters in ISOC, ICANN, IAA and APRICOT — it’s great to see the technical community working together.
And if you’ll indulge me for a moment, there’s a small band of people at APNIC who have helped make this a reality — drawn from different parts of the organization — you know who you are, and thanks for the hard work in making NFH a reality, and a success!
NFH may be over but there’s more great technical content on the horizon at APNIC 50 from 8 to 10 September 2020. Check out the APNIC 50 website for more information on the program and speakers in the coming days and don’t forget to register — we’d love to see you there.
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