The APNIC Training team had another busy year in 2019, delivering 67 face-to-face courses to 1,971 people across 30 economies in the Asia Pacific region. This equated to 208 training days and 5,757 trainee days.
In response to the 2018 APNIC Member Survey the team focused on delivering IPv6 and Network Security training, with these two topics accounting for more than half of the training delivered over the year.
Being able to meet the growing demand for face-to-face courses would not have been possible without the help of APNIC’s network of Community Trainers, who are operationally active and have great insights into their local and regional Internet ecosystem. During 2019, 21 Community Trainers from 12 different economies assisted at 39 training events, in 19 locations.
Read: My experience as an APNIC Community Trainer
APNIC will continue to seek interest from the operational community to join the APNIC Training team as volunteer Community Trainers, to remain true to our commitment of delivering relevant and current content to our Members.
Apply: Become a community trainer
Other highlights from the year included:
- Continuing to provide support to the Internet operational training needs of Network Operator Groups (NOGs) and peering forum conferences throughout the region, including: delivering training at 16 NOG events (bdNOG, btNOG, IDNOG, INNOG, LKNOG, MNNOG, npNOG, NZNOG, PhNOG x 2, PacNOG x 2, SANOG x 2, ThaiNOG, VNIX-NOG), the BKNIX and MMIX peering forums, and APRICOT, APNIC and APAN conferences.
- Delivering training in partnership with:
- Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) in Myanmar and Sri Lanka
- KDDI Foundation in Myanmar
- Lanka Education and Research Network (LEARN), Druk Research & Education Network (DrukREN) and Asi@Connect in Lao PDR
- GÉANT and Asi@Connect in South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand
- Providing remote technical assistance for:
- Tonga Cable on its IPv6 deployment
- World Link (Nepal) on its IPv6 deployment and IPv6 security best practices after npNOG 5
- MMIX on its Route Origin Validation (ROV) deployment
- TashiCell on its ROV deployment
- PNG IXP (through the APNIC Foundation)
- CNNIC on its rDNS support and whois deployment
- IDNIC on its whois and RPKI deployment
- TWNIC on its RPKI deployment
- VNNIC on its RPKI certification goals (hosted in APNIC’s RPKI)
In 2020 APNIC will prioritize NOGs in least developed countries (LDCs) and underserved economies in the Asia Pacific region, based on need. We will also aim to maintain a good coverage across the region.
APNIC Academy
The APNIC Academy launched its much anticipated IPv6 Fundamentals online course in 2019 with five new modules (IPv6 Header Format, IPv6 Extension Headers, IPv6 Address Representation, IPv6 Address Types and IPv6 Neighbour Discovery).
This is the sixth online course offered by the APNIC Academy, with work underway on a seventh, IPv6 Address Planning, which will be available in 2020.
Overall, the APNIC Academy supported 870 course completions, hosted 5,060 active users and 1,723 virtual training labs, and had 1,134 users from 42 economies participate in 12 live webinars on topics including network security, DDoS, IXP/routing, IPv6, RPKI and cybersecurity awareness.
From a usability perspective, a key outcome from 2019 was launching multilingual support on the APNIC Academy website, with the following languages added: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional); Indonesian; Japanese; Korean; Mongolian; Thai; and Vietnamese.
Thanks to our 2019 hosts
Finally, a special thank you to all our 2019 hosts and sponsors for their support and assistance, both financially and logistically. The successful delivery of the training events would not have been possible without the support of the following organizations:
- Aussie Broadband, Australia
- Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam
- bsides Brisbane, Australia
- China Internet Service Provider Union (CNISP)
- China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
- Communications Authority of Maldives
- Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste National Communications Authority
- Government of Nauru Information & Communications Technology Department
- Government of Pakistan Higher Education Commission
- ISOC Kolkata, India
- itSociety Solomon Islands
- Laos National Internet Center (LANIC)
- Malaysia Internet Exchange (MyIX)
- NeocomISP Limited, Cambodia
- Office of the Government Chief Information Office (OGCIO), Vanuatu
- Philippine Cable Television Association, Inc. (PCTA)
- Taiwan Network Information Centre (TWNIC)
- University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar
- University of Macau
- University of the Philippines, Diliman
The Training team is looking forward to continuing to serve APNIC Members by delivering operationally relevant training sessions in 2020. Be sure to comment below to share your feedback and suggestions.
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