APNIC participated in NetThing 2019 on 28 October 2019 in Sydney, Australia.
NetThing is the renewal of an annual forum for Australia’s Internet governance community. It welcomed around 150 participants to discuss major themes affecting the Internet, including policy, inclusion, technology, security and the future. View the agenda for more information.
APNIC activities:
- Paul Wilson participated in the session ‘International activity’, which focused on Internet policy development in organizations such as ICANN, the ITU and the Global Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Pablo Hinojosa helped coordinate this panel.
- Melody Bendindang, who is part of the NetThing Steering and Program Committee, supported the coordination of the closing plenary, ‘The future’, and NetThing’s social media.
- Klée Aiken supported the session, ‘IGF engagement in action: Cyber Norms’.
- Sylvia Cadena provided the regional and global IGF context to the national discussion at the open mic session.
- Craig Ng was the Safety and Conduct Officer for the event.
- Paul and Pablo are also on the Organising Committee of NetThing.
- APNIC provided the webcast platform for this event. Videos of the sessions are available.
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