The Open Policy Meeting at APNIC 48 will be held on 12 September 2019 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Here is a snapshot of the five policy proposals up for discussion.
Under discussion from APNIC 47
prop-124-v006: Clarification on Sub-Assignments
This proposal seeks to clarify the definition of assigned address space for IPv4/IPv6 delegations under Section 2.2.3 of the APNIC Internet Number Resource Policies document.
The proposal author contends that the concept of assignments/sub-assignments did not consider a common practice in IPv4 and IPv6: the use of IP addresses for point-to-point links or VPNs.
This proposal attempts to clarify the situation and considers new uses of IPv6 (RFC 8273) by means of additional language added to the definition of an assignment.
prop-126-v004: PDP Update
This proposal suggests updates to Section 4 of the APNIC Policy Development Process (PDP) document.
The proposal aims to make the consideration of mailing list comments for determining consensus explicitly part of the PDP. The proposal suggests removing the need for consensus in both the Policy SIG and APNIC Member Meeting, and proposes amending the consensus definition from ‘general consensus’ to ‘rough consensus’, including a definition of ‘rough consensus’.
New proposals
prop-130-v001: Modification of transfer policies
This proposal aims to change the existing transfer policies to allow scenarios from a partial or complete business merger, acquisition, reorganization or relocation, in both intra and inter-RIR transfers. Currently the inter-RIR transfer only allows transfer of IPv4 addresses and AS numbers, but this proposal seeks to include IPv6 addresses as well.
prop-131-v001: Editorial changes in IPv6 Policy
This proposal suggests multiple editorial (text) changes in the IPv6 policy.
prop-132-v002: AS0 for Bogons
This proposal would give APNIC the authority to create AS0 (zero) ROAs for APNIC’s unallocated address space. Under this proposal, if an AS0 ROA is created for unallocated address space under APNIC’s administration, they would be marked as ‘invalid’ if someone tried to advertise the same address space.
SIG elections
APNIC will hold Co-Chair elections at APNIC 48 for the NIR SIG. The current Co-Chair term for the NIR SIG ends at APNIC 48.
The election will be first agenda item of the NIR SIG session on Tuesday, 10 September 2019.
You can make a nomination using the online form. Nominations are open until 23:59 (UTC +10) on Monday, 9 September 2019.
Participate! Have your say
Good policy relies on a diverse range of opinions from people in different parts of the community, so it is important to get involved. Policy is developed through an open, transparent and bottom-up process of consultation and consensus.
Have your say about these policy proposals by subscribing to the Policy SIG mailing list or participating in person or remotely during the APNIC 48 Policy SIG meeting.
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