APNIC participated at the 2019 Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF 2019) in Vladivostok, Russia, from 16 to 19 July 2019.
The overarching theme for the event was ‘Enabling a Safe, Secure and Universal Internet for All in Asia Pacific’, with the sub-themes being: Safe Internet, Cybersecurity & Regulation; Access & Universality; Emerging Technologies & Society; Human Rights Online; Evolving Role of Internet Governance & Multistakholder Participation; and Digital Economy.
APNIC activities:
- Paul Wilson participated in a workshop organized by APNIC entitled ‘Localized Internet: two sides of a coin’, and talked about the definition of ‘local’ in the context of the Internet layers (content, data and traffic). Other speakers talked about the shared interests of ccTLDs, search engines, ISPs and data centres and how market concentration and security concerns at the national level are affecting Internet behaviours at the local level.
- Paul also participated in the APNIC co-organized session on ‘Cyber Norms in Asia Pacific’, together with Ying-Chu Chen from the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research. Bart Hogeveen, from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), who was the main organizer, participated remotely from the RSA Conference in Singapore, where he brought perspectives from the UN Governmental Group Experts attending that meeting. Klée Aiken and Pablo Hinojosa, alongside Ms Fitriani from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta, also participated remotely in this workshop. The workshop aimed to elicit the perspectives of Asia Pacific Internet stakeholders on how best to engage with ongoing efforts on producing and implementing cyber norms.
- Paul participated in the session, ‘Know your Net: Working together to Address Internet Security and Standards’, which APNIC helped organize with ISOC and ICANN to help to build capacity in Internet security basics.
- Paul participated in the Closing Plenary on ‘The role of the Asia Pacific Internet Governance and Multistakeholder Participation in the Global IGF’, and spoke on the role of stakeholders such as NOGs in building capacity.
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