APNIC participated at AIS‘19/AFRINIC 30 in Kampala, Uganda, from 9 to 21 June 2019.
Over 700 people attended the two-week summit, which provides a forum for many African Internet community organizations including AFRINIC, AfNOG, AFTLD, African CERTs, and AF-IX, as well as a large number of technical training workshops.
AFRINIC 30 considered a range of policies and included updates from ICANN, ISOC, regional NOGs, and other RIRs, as well as elections for members of the AFRINIC Board of Directors (BoD), the board governance committee election, the NRO NC/ASO AC, and a Co-Chair election for the Policy Development Working Group (PDWG).
APNIC activities:
- Paul Wilson gave an update on APNIC’s activities and new service initiatives, including findings from the 2018 APNIC Survey, and future planning activities.
- Guangliang Pan attended several sessions, including the AFRINIC Policy Day as an observer. He also met with the AFRINIC Registration Services team on collaboration activities.
- Richard Brown and Craig Ng attended the Policy Day and Annual General Meeting (AGM) as observers. Craig Ng helped conduct the vote counting along with other RIR representatives for the elections described above.
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