Event Wrap: MyNOG 7, Malaysia

By on 8 Aug 2018

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APNIC's Che-Hoo Cheng giving the keynote presentation at MyNOG 7.

APNIC participated at the 7th Malaysian Network Operators Group Conference (MyNOG 7), in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 24 July 2018.

With over 330 registrants, it was the largest MyNOG event yet. Presentations focused on a range of locally relevant topics, including the challenges of Over The Top (OTT) technologies, network automation, monitoring and measuring networks, mitigating security risks, and a discussion on how to grow Malaysia’s presence as a cloud and digital service hub (see full program).


APNIC activities:

  • Che-Hoo Cheng gave the keynote presentation sharing his past experiences and current analysis of Internet Exchange development in the region.

  • Wita Laksono assisted current and potential Members answering their questions on membership and IP address requirements.
  • Molly Cheam and Wita took the opportunity to visit APNIC Members based in Kuala Lumpur to discuss their IP address needs and future opportunities for collaboration.
  • APNIC sponsored the closing social event.


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