Last week APNIC was in Bangkok to conduct a regional workshop on Internet and IPv6 Infrastructure Security for an enthusiastic group of 40 people from 13 Asia Pacific economies. Hosted by the Asia-Pacific Centre of Excellence and organized with our partners the ITU, the Thai Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MDES), and the TOT Academy, this workshop is the latest product of the long-standing relationship between APNIC and the ITU Asia-Pacific regional office since 2011.
This year a team of technical experts from APNIC and the ITU, joined by guest contributions from the Internet Society and AIS Thailand, shared real-world case studies and technical best practices to assist in the deployment of IPv6 and improve Internet infrastructure security. The now annual workshop takes a pragmatic approach and has a technical agenda with practical content from leading experts.
Since 2014, the regional IPv6 workshop series has been complemented by a series of ‘Direct Country Assistance’ projects on IPv6 deployment, in which APNIC and ITU experts offer technical advice directly to those who need it. These two efforts support and reinforce one another, with the regional workshop often acting as a precursor or follow up to the in-country activities. With the support of various governments and local partners, we have been able to work with the communities in Lao PDR, Mongolia, Cambodia, and Bhutan to assist their IPv6 deployment efforts.
Building on this strong foundation, and in response to requests from our Members, APNIC and the ITU Asia-Pacific have been slowly expanding our partnership. We have explored work on areas including efforts in Timor-Leste on interconnection and the establishment of an IXP and were recently invited by the PacNOG team to replicate the Bangkok training at the December meeting in Tonga.
APNIC has a long commitment to capacity building as part of its vision of “A global, open, stable, and secure Internet” that serves the whole region. However, in order to pursue these goals and maximize our efforts, collaboration and partnerships are essential. Our development work with the ITU Asia-Pacific team is just one example of how cooperation can help APNIC to serve the community more effectively.
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