APNIC participated at ICANN 61 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from 10 to 15 March 2018.
The first of the three-meeting cycle, and designated the ‘Community Forum’, ICANN 61 welcomed 1,565 participants, including 560 newcomers.
APNIC staff, Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) members and the Number Resource Organization Executive Council (NRO EC) attended and participated at the event.
APNIC activities
- At the Welcome Ceremony, Paul Wilson spoke as the NRO EC Chair on the current work of the NRO such as IPv6 deployment and the resilience of the Internet including the RIR consultations on how to improve the ASO. Watch the video.
- As the NRO EC Chair, Paul participated at the ASO AC face-to-face meeting, with Craig Ng and Pablo Hinojosa participating as observers.
- Pablo participated at the CCWG-IG session on the recent developments in Internet governance where he spoke on the opportunities available in multistakeholder collaboration with various bodies in the Internet ecosystem, especially in the Internet security space.
- Pablo attended the GAC: PSWG meeting where the Work Plan was approved.
- Paul, Craig and Pablo attended the APAC Space meeting where the main subject was whois.
- There were many meetings with other RIRs, government officials, technical community and other ICANN community members, to discuss the ASO Review, ongoing collaboration opportunities, and future projects such as workshop proposals for the next APrIGF.
- After the ICANN meeting, Paul chaired the NRO EC face-to-face meeting, the first of the year, with Pablo attending as an observer.
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