APNIC staff were among the 72 participants at the Asia Pacific Telecommunity 10th Policy and Regulation Forum for Pacific (APT PRFP-10) held recently in Nadi, Fiji, from 25 to 27 April 2017.
The objective of the forum was to bring together the Pacific region’s telecommunications and ICT policy makers and regulators for a dialogue on contemporary telecom and Internet issues.
Topics discussed included satellite and submarine connectivity, Over-the-Top (OTT) services, spectrum management in the Pacific, and cyber threats and security.
Following the APT PRFP-10 forum, there was an ICANN GAC workshop for governments of the Pacific on 28 and 29 April to discuss public policy issues related to ICANN and the Internet. Almost all GAC members from the Pacific attended this meeting, representing 18 different governments. This meeting specifically addressed the question of participation in ICANN processes from the Pacific, which is considered by the GAC as an “under-served region” of the world.
APNIC activities:
- Paul Wilson presented on CERT development in the Pacific in Session 9: Resource Protection: Cyber Threat and Security, during the APT PRFP-10 meeting
- Paul gave an overview of APNIC, the Address Supporting Organization (ASO), and the Internet numbering functions at the ICANN GAC meeting
- Paul and Pablo Hinojosa met several government representatives from the Pacific to discuss Member needs, IXP development, and CERT development in the Pacific.
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