The North American Network Operators Group (NANOG) and American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) held back-to-back meetings in Dallas, Texas, earlier this month.
APNIC staff were among the 1,062 people from 33 economies who attended NANOG 68, held from 16 to 19 October. The four-day meeting comprised several tracks of technical content and discussions surrounding security, routing, peering and the DNS, to name a few.
Read Geoff Huston’s report from NANOG 68
ARIN 38 was held from 20 to 21 October and included public policy and member meeting presentations as well as a report on IETF and NRO activities.
APNIC activities included:
- At NANOG 68, Geoff Huston presented his research on route sets advertised to a number of the route collection points, and differences in the various route sets, to see where and how “default” differs between networks.
- Sunny Chendi met with Verisign and ISC to discuss potential root server infrastructure deployments and upgrades in the region.
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