I hope our regular readers don’t mind a small interruption to the usual supply of blog posts on Internet numbers, networking, security, development and Internet policy for just one moment as we have a small piece of news to share.
On Friday afternoon, a nice email popped into the APNIC inbox from the folk at the Asia Pacific Excellence Awards, an awards competition focusing on communication activities, hosted by Communication Director magazine. The email had some great news – the APNIC Blog has won an Excellence Award for 2015!
Understandably we were all quite chuffed over here at APNIC, but we realise that the blog wouldn’t have received this recognition without the great contributions and support we’ve received from the APNIC community.
With more than 152,000 visits, 200+ comments and 55 guest blog posts from contributors drawn from 25 economies, your ongoing support of the blog is much appreciated. Thank you!
If you have something you’d like to share with the APNIC community on the blog, please get in touch – we’re always on the lookout for great stories from the community. And please do keep providing your feedback on the content. We want to keep improving the blog so it continues to be an award-winning resource for you.
The views expressed by the authors of this blog are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of APNIC. Please note a Code of Conduct applies to this blog.
Excellent News
Congratulations from the RIPE Labs blog! 🙂
Thanks Mirjam & Kawsar!