APNIC’s ISIF Asia program attended the seventh International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2015) in Singapore from 15 to 18 May 2015. Four representatives of ISIF Asia supported projects, two mentors on evaluation and communication and Sylvia Cadena participated in the conference.
Participation was possible thanks to the Seed Alliance, a collaboration established between the FIRE, FRIDA and ISIF Asia grants and awards programs, that provided support for 23 representatives from Latin America, Africa and Asia to attend the ICTD conference.
Held for the first time in the Asia Pacific region, ICTD 2015 aimed to showcase the impact ICT has had on society with a multidisciplinary research-focused conference that reflects the Millennium Development goals.
The Seed Alliance had an open session on 15 May “Seed Alliance: Helping ideas grow” where Sylvia Cadena presented on the Seed Alliance. All the supported projects had the opportunity to present their work and there was a good Q&A discussion afterwards.
Additionally, a pre-event workshop on 14 May provided opportunities for Seed Alliance supported projects to learn about effective fundraising from Michael Lints (Golden Gate Ventures).
APNIC activities:
- Sylvia Cadena participated as a speaker on 18 May at the Innovation Accelerator: Connecting ICT researchers and practitioners workshop, where she presented the work ISIF Asia is doing to support innovation in the region. The agenda and summary of the discussion is available.
- Sylvia also took the opportunity to meet with potential supporters for ISIF Asia at an Open House event organized by JFDI.Asia.
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