APNIC Training was back in the Philippines for a second time this year to conduct a three-day Network Security Workshop. Working with our local partner, UP IT Development Center (UP ITDC), we provided training to an almost full class of 33 network, systems and software personnel from all over the country from 1 to 3 October 2014.
With their industry backgrounds ranging from enterprise environments, state universities, and service providers, the training alumni were able to complete the lab work and grasp the technical details on important security topics such as IPSEC, BGPsec and RPKI, and DNSSEC. Recent APNIC Members who attended were happy to receive such intense training while also getting some support on their newly-acquired IP blocks.
In line with the workshop, we also conducted a free half-day tutorial on Tuesday, 30 September, where Training Officer Sheryl Hermoso talked about IPv6 to a class of UP ITDC’s Network Administration students. Unsurprisingly, this younger audience, who have little industry experience, asked many curious questions. Discussion has also extended beyond the topic into more general Internet issues. The students found the talk not only informative, but also “inspired them with the broad knowledge that was presented.” After the seminar, many of them have sought advice on which field in networking to specialize in.
This event was made possible with the support of UP ITDC, and we are grateful for their help and assistance throughout the week.
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Sheryl, how to avail for the workshop? This is a good opportunity to learn and understand the importance of network security. For today, network security is very crucial to understand specially for business owners.
Hi Allan, thank you for your question. You can view the full schedule of training events, and register for training, at https://training.apnic.net/events
Please email us at training@apnic.net if you would like any other information.