The Ninth Annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2014) was held in Istanbul, Turkey on 2-5 September 2014.
More than 2,300 onsite—and 1,000 remote— participants from the technical, government, business, academic and civil society sectors gathered to discuss Internet governance issues. The Asia Pacific was represented by some 423 delegates from our region.
The main theme for IGF 2014 was “Connecting Continents for Enhanced Multistakeholder Internet Governance”. Sub-themes included policies enabling access; Internet as engine for growth and development; Internet and human rights; critical Internet resources; and emerging issues.
APNIC staff participated in a number of IGF sessions as expert panelists, and attended many other sessions. The week-long event also provided many opportunities for side meetings with partners and collaborators also attending.
APNIC’s activities on the IGF 2014 programme included:
- As a member of the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG), Paul Wilson contributed to creating and coordinating the IGF 2014 program. This was Paul’s third and final term as a member of the MAG
- Paul participated as speaker in the Main Session on the IANA Transition process, which included a wide range of Internet community representatives. The completed transcript is available here
- Paul also participated in the Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values, with Vint Cert, Steve Crocker and others
- Adli Wahid was a panelist for two workshops: MultiStakeholder Approaches to Cybersecurity Awareness and The impact of (non)adoption of Internet standards of cyber security, as well as one of the Lead Experts for the Best Practice Forum Session Establishing and Supporting CERTs for Internet Security
- Duncan Macintosh moderated a roundtable workshop proposed by APNIC From ideas for solutions: funding challenges for Internet Development, along with IDRC, SIDA, AFRINIC and LACNIC. Watch the video here.
- Duncan also participated in Collaborative Leadership Exchange on Multistakeholder Participation
- Geoff Huston was a remote panelist for the Carrier Grade NAT Impacts on Users, Markets and Cybercrime workshop
- Akinori Maemura, APNIC EC Chair, also attended and participated in many IGF sessions
Seed Alliance and ISIF Asia program activities, supported by the APNIC Secretariat, included:
- Organized and facilitated a preIGF workshop for the Seed Alliance award winners on 1 September, focusing on the importance of incorporating monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that feed into clear communications and resource mobilization strategies
- Organized the Seed Alliance Awards ceremony, featuring FIRE, FRIDA and ISIF Asia Award winning projects. The event was moderated by Duncan Macintosh. Special guest at the event was Vint Cerf from Google
- Organized and facilitated a meeting of the Seed Alliance funding partners – including IDRC and SIDA and the heads of APNIC, AFRINIC and LACNIC – was held to discuss the program’s progress so far and its future development
Side meetings and other activities during the IGF week included:
- APNIC and ICANN signed an MoU to deploy L-root server instances in the Asia Pacific, similar to existing MoUs between APNIC and ISC (F-root operator), NetNod (I) and RIPE NCC (K)
- Paul and Akinori Maemura participated in meetings of the NRO Executive Council and also of the Internet Technical organization (”I*”) group
- Duncan Macintosh met with representatives from APNIC training partners and supporters, including ISOC, NSRC, NIXI, GSMA, USAID, Singapore’s IDA, Friends of the IGF and RIPE to discuss future collaboration and support
- Pablo Hinojosa facilitated meetings with various APNIC Members, government, and other representatives, including CNNIC, VNNIC, APJII, ICANN, IGF-ID
- Immediately after IGF, on Saturday 6 September, Paul participated in the second face-face meeting of the IANA Coordination Group (ICG). Details of this meeting are available here.
More information on this rich and full event can be found in the Chair’s report, the transcript of sessions and video archives.
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