Event Wrap: SGNOG 10
Zen Ng gave an update on IPv6 at SGNOG, held on 22 September 2023 in Singapore.
Zen Ng gave an update on IPv6 at SGNOG, held on 22 September 2023 in Singapore.
Geoff Huston presented on GEOs, LEOs and Starlink at mnNOG 2023, held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 18 to 23 September 2023.
Wita Laksono presented an update on APNIC Labs’ measurements at IDNOG 8, held from 24 to 27 July 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Discussing the priorities, challenges, and action plans for the Bangladesh and South Asia Internet at SANOG 39.
APNIC actively participated at PacNOG 31, held from 26 to 30 June in Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Chimi Dorji presented on the status of IPv6 in the South Asian region and Nepal at npNOG 8, held from 18 to 23 June in Kathmandu, Nepal.
APNIC hosted a booth and presented on RPKI invalids at MyNOG 10, held on 14 June 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Wita Laksono gave an update on APNIC measurements and products at the BKNIX Peering Forum 2023, held in conjunction with ThaiNOG 5, in Bangkok, Thailand from 15 to 16 May 2023.
APNIC presented insights on IPv6 and provided training at SANOG 39, held from 9 to 13 May in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Awal Haoloder gave an update on global and regional RPKI deployment at the inaugural KRNOG 1, held on 13 April in Seoul, South Korea.