KeyTrap algorithmic complexity attacks exploit fundamental design flaw in DNSSEC
Guest Post: Researchers uncover and investigate ‘the worst attack on DNS ever discovered’.
Guest Post: Researchers uncover and investigate ‘the worst attack on DNS ever discovered’.
Guest Post: Now is the time to prepare for the future of cryptography.
Guest Post: What will be needed to power the immersive tactile Internet? Dr Thomas King looks at the challenges and the tasks for infrastructure providers to build the foundations for the future Internet.
Guest Post: How bad is bufferbloat, really?
Guest Post: Examining iptables performance when filtering traffic at different processing stages within a Linux-based router.
Guest Post: What would the SSH protocol look like if it was made today with recent network technologies?
Guest Post: The challenges of preserving Internet measurement history with the ‘Internet History Initiative’.
Guest Post: What primary sources will be used to understand the Internet’s expansion during our lifetimes?
Guest Post: Researchers analyse infrastructure from a network-layer perspective and develop a method to identify long-haul links in extensive traceroute datasets.
Guest Post: Investigating the unique manipulation of RPKI used in Orange España’s recent outage.