ICP-2 principles questionnaire report and data published
The NRO NC / ASO AC has completed its qualitative analysis and summary of the 298 community responses received on the proposed principles to update ICP-2.
The NRO NC / ASO AC has completed its qualitative analysis and summary of the 298 community responses received on the proposed principles to update ICP-2.
Close to 300 responses were received from diverse Internet communities in the feedback period for the proposed ICP-2 principles.
There was a lively discussion at the recent Japan IGF and JPOPM 47 on the proposed update to the ICP-2 principles. Feedback is due by Friday, 6 December 2024.
The APNIC EC has appointed Akinori Maemura, Chief Policy Officer at JPNIC, to the NRO NC.
Share your thoughts on updated proposed principles for ICP-2. The deadline for completion is 19 November 2024.
APNIC participated at ICANN 63 in Barcelona, Spain from 20 to 25 October 2018.
Discussion about a potential “two-house” model for the ASO – rearranging current NRO EC and ASO AC responsibilities – received support in Kathmandu.
The ASO Review session at APNIC 45 will assist with the global process to improve how the RIRs interact with ICANN in the future.
APNIC participated at ICANN 60 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 28 October to 2 November 2017.
Guest Post: GZ Kabir shares his highlights from ICANN 59, including the 10th anniversary of the ICANN Fellowship Program.