Unravelling the threat of hosting-based domain takeovers
Guest Post: Introducing and evaluating a novel framework for detecting domain takeovers.
Guest Post: Introducing and evaluating a novel framework for detecting domain takeovers.
APNIC hosted a booth and conducted training at BKNIX Peering Forum 2024, held in conjunction with ThaiNOG Day 6 in Bangkok, Thailand from 30 to 31 May 2024.
Guest Post: The evolution of network security and forthcoming challenges.
Guest Post: RFC 9518 “Centralization, Decentralization, and Internet Standards” has been published after more than two years of review, discussion, and revision.
Guest Post: Hybrid LoRaWAN technology brings Internet access to Orang Asli villages.
APNIC 58 will be held in Wellington New Zealand from 30 August to 6 September 2024 — register now!
Guest Post: Is a/48 always sufficient for each site? If not, what prefix size is needed, and how does assigning a larger prefix affect the address plan?
Share your Internet operations experience and submit a presentation for APNIC 58!
APNIC conducted training on Peering, IXP, and Routing at the PCTA Tech Show 2024 held in Manila, Philippines from 1 to 5 April 2024.
Guest Post: How programmable switches can handle collective offloading seamlessly. Challenges and future trends.