The LUCI project — connecting the remote Chini Lake area, Malaysia
Guest Post: Hybrid LoRaWAN technology brings Internet access to Orang Asli villages.
Guest Post: Hybrid LoRaWAN technology brings Internet access to Orang Asli villages.
Nets and subnets — do we actually need the idea of a subnet in the IP addressing architecture?
APNIC 58 will be held in Wellington New Zealand from 30 August to 6 September 2024 — register now!
Will government-led initiatives be a significant addition to global routing security?
Sylvia Cadena helped develop the São Paulo Guidelines in the NETmundial +10 meeting, held in São Paulo, Brazil from 29 to 30 April 2024.
Should we drop DNSSEC and just move on?
Informational RFC looks at the fundamentals, opportunities, operational limitations, and recommendations for IoC use.
Sunny Chendi gave an APNIC policy update at TWNOG 5.0 in Taipei on 26 April 2024.
What impact would regulating BGP routing security have on the global Internet?
What would a single, global RPKI system look like?