Event Wrap: bdNOG 18
APNIC presented and delivered training at bdNOG 18, held in Coz’s Bazar, Bangladesh from 12 to 15 July 2024.
APNIC presented and delivered training at bdNOG 18, held in Coz’s Bazar, Bangladesh from 12 to 15 July 2024.
Guest Post: Open source tool aims to help ISPs reduce customer latency.
APNIC celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Philippines Internet at PHNOG 2024, held in Manila, Philippines from 8 to 12 July 2024.
Can we (or why can’t we) use the IP suite in space?
Guest Post: How open are ‘open standards’ really?
Learning from the Cloudflare incident.
Where are we going with the DNS?
BBRv3 in the public Internet: Good or bad?
Jia Rong Low will join APNIC in October 2024.
APNIC actively participated in the 2024 Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy in Busan, South Korea from 8 to 12 July 2024.