
Geoff Huston

Geoff is Chief Scientist at APNIC, where he undertakes research on Internet infrastructure, IP technologies, and address distribution policies. among other topics. He is widely regarded as the preeminent researcher on IPv4 exhaustion, and is routinely referenced by international agencies and frequently quoted by the ICT media.

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A quick look at QUIC

By on 4 Mar 2019

Get the backstory on the history and design of QUIC, and what implications it might have on the overall architecture of the Internet Protocol.


By on 22 Feb 2019

Geoff Huston investigates how authoritative DNS servers respond to random name attacks.

IPv6 in China

By on 3 Jan 2019

With an estimated Internet user population of 741 million people, China’s adoption of IPv6 matters a lot to IPv6 reaching critical mass globally.
