Three of the best: George Michaelson
In 2024, George Michaelson touched on topics ranging from news to explainers. Here are three of George’s best.
In 2024, George Michaelson touched on topics ranging from news to explainers. Here are three of George’s best.
In 2022, George Michaelson touched on topics ranging from news to explainers. Here are three of George’s best.
This year, George Michaelson touched on topics ranging from news to explainers. Here are three of George’s best.
APNIC’s George Michaelson has been appointed to the Board of the Domain Name System Operations Analysis and Research Center (DNS-OARC).
George Michaelson presented on the ‘bad traffic’ feature in DASH at RIPE 83, held online from 22 to 26 November 2021.
George Michaelson presented on the importance of securing Internet routing at Y4iT 2021, held online from 12 to 14 October 2021.
George Michaelson participated in an RIR Tech Talk at NANOG 81, held online from 8 to 10 February 2021.
George Michaelson reviews the progress in IPv6 deployment worldwide since his five-year predictions in 2017.
George Michaelson suggests how RIRs could contribute vital authoritative data to IPAM systems.
George Michaelson reports on the outcomes from a very constructive IPv6 Operations Working Group discussion at IETF 98.