[Podcast] The most important work in the Internet?

By on 8 Dec 2022

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Westbound express entering Manchester Victoria/Exchange, with train-spotters. Adapted from Ben Brooksbank's original at Wikimedia Commons.

In this episode of PING, Geoff Huston talks through some of the presentations he heard (and gave) at the recent DNS-OARC 39 meeting held in Belgrade. DNS-OARC is the DNS Operations and Research Community, founded by the Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. (ISC) and the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) in 2004. As Geoff says in this podcast, DNS OARC is where the “DNS tragics” meet to discuss all things DNS, and it’s well worth the listen to capture a flavour of the meeting as Geoff saw it.

Read more about DNS OARC and the presentations mentioned:

All of the DNS OARC 39 speakers and their presentations are available online now.

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