Three policy proposals up for community discussion at APNIC 53

By on 15 Feb 2022

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The Open Policy Meeting at APNIC 53 will be held on 2 March 2022. Here is a snapshot of the three new policy proposals up for discussion.

prop-142: Unify Transfer Policies Text

This proposal suggests combining all the transfer policies, currently listed under different resource types (IPv4, IPv6, ASNs), into one section of the policy document.

The proposers state that the intention is not to change the existing transfers policies but to merge information into one section.

prop-143: ASN to Customer

Section 12.4 of APNIC’s Internet Number Resource Policies allows an LIR to request an ASN from APNIC/NIR for its customers. This proposal suggests recognizing a new use case for ASN transfers received through LIR requests.

prop-144: Reserve pool under Experimental Allocation Policy

Prop-144 requests that APNIC reserves a /21 IPv4 address block for five years for experimental allocations.

In addition, this proposal also suggests bringing the current policy text in line with the Membership Fee Schedule by replacing the words “IP resource application fee” with “assessment of a Member’s annual fee” in Section 5.7.5 of the policy document.

Participate! Have your say

Good policy relies on a range of opinions from people in different parts of the community, so it is important to get involved. They are developed through an open, transparent, and bottom-up process of consultation and consensus.

Have your say on these policy proposals by subscribing to the Policy SIG mailing list or participating in person or remotely during the APNIC 53 Policy SIG forum.

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