APNIC participated at IETF 105 in Montreal, Canada, from 22 to 26 July 2019.
More than 1,100 participants attended the second IETF meeting for the year, which featured discussions on technology developments impacting the networking industry, including deployment considerations for DNS confidentiality, and privacy and consent issues — the theme of the plenary discussion.
Read: Opinion: Some not so private thoughts from IETF 105
The week-long event also included a Hackathon, IEPG meeting, and the ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW’19).
APNIC activities:
- At the IEPG meeting, Geoff Huston presented the results from his annual analysis of the BGP routing table.
- Tom Harrison presented a prospective jCard profile during the IETF regext session.
- George Michaelson attended the DNS-OARC Board meeting.
- Tom met with NLNetLabs to conduct RPKI CA interoperability testing between APNIC’s system and NLNetLabs’ Krill system. Read: New RPKI Certificate Authority
- George, Tom and Anton Strydom also participated at the Number Resource Organization Engineering Coordination Group (NRO ECG) face-to-face meeting, to discuss ongoing projects the RIRs are collectively developing.
- Robbie Mitchell met with blog guest post authors and Internet Society technical contacts to discuss future blog content, and attended ARNW’19.
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