APNIC participated at RIPE 78 in Reykjavík, Iceland, from 20 to 24 May 2019.
The first of two meetings arranged by the RIPE NCC each year, RIPE 78 welcomed 742 attendees from 60 economies, including 199 newcomers. RIPE 78 also celebrated 30 years of the RIPE community.
APNIC activities:
- At the Plenary, Geoff Huston presented ‘A review of the KSK Roll’ on how the KSK roll was, in his view, mostly unpredictable, hard to measure and very lucky.
- At the IPv6 Working Group, Geoff presented on ongoing issues with IPv6 reliability in many parts of the world.
- At the Routing Working Group, Geoff examined the growth of the BGP table and provided a historical overview of how routing has developed.
- Paul Wilson, George Odagi, Geoff and Pablo Hinojosa followed the RIPE program and different working groups, and the policy discussion at the anti-abuse working group.
- Craig Ng attended meetings over several days with other RIR lawyers to consider and to reach consensus on a number of NRO/ASO/ICANN-related legal matters.
- George met with RIPE NCC staff on policy proposal implementations, IPv4 transfers, and future collaboration activities.
- At the end of the RIPE 78 meeting, the NRO Executive Council (EC) had a half-day meeting with the legal teams to discuss the output of their work. Paul and Craig participated in the meeting.
- The NRO EC also held a separate full day face-to-face meeting. Paul, Pablo and Gaurab Upadhaya (as APNIC EC observer) attended the meeting.
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