Hwanyeonghamnida: APNIC welcomes you to Daejeon, South Korea, for APRICOT 2019!
Sincerest thanks go to the host, Korean Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) and Ministry of Science and ICT, and the sponsors for supporting APRICOT 2019.
APRICOT 2019 highlights
Don’t miss the Opening Ceremony to hear from the keynote speakers: Internet Society President and CEO, Andrew Sullivan, and Jemin Ching, Senior Principal Research Engineer in the Institute of Convergence Technology at Korea Telecom. Jemin will talk about why 5G matters and what it can deliver, as well as challenges and opportunities that may come with its arrival. APNIC’s Chief Scientist, Geoff Huston will also be presenting his insights based on research into NTP, BGP, DNS privacy and more.
Other technical tracks include Network and DNS Operations, Peering and Interconnection, Routing Security and the FIRST Technical Colloquium (FIRST TC). There are also many tutorials on offer to extend your knowledge.
Check out the ‘Birds of a Feather’ (BoF) sessions, including the Routing Security BoF, Data Gathering and Analysis BoF, and the RPKI Key Signing BoF. BoFs are informal gatherings designed to discuss new ideas and exchange information
The conference will end with the Closing Plenary. Keynote speaker and Internet pioneer Kilnam Chon will talk about the recording of Internet History, followed by James Won-ki Hong, who will discuss the increasingly software-driven nature of the Internet and what that could mean for the future.
Remember, if you can’t attend in person, you can participate remotely using the webcast options. Check out the sessions being broadcast.
There are five policy proposals up for discussion at the APNIC 47 Policy SIG.
- prop-124-v005: Clarification on IPv6 Sub-Assignments
- prop-126-v003: PDP Update
- prop-127: Change maximum delegation size of 103/8 IPv4 address pool to a /23
- prop-128: Multihoming not required for ASN
- prop-129: Abolish waiting list for unmet IPv4 requests
Join the session, participate remotely via CONFER, or contribute via the Policy SIG mailing list.
Thursday, 28 February 2019 is the day of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), where APNIC Members can learn more about APNIC’s operational and financial performance. The APNIC Executive Council election will also be held on Thursday, with on-site voting taking place from 09:30 to 14:30 (UTC +9:00). The successful candidates for the four positions open for election will be announced during the last session of the AGM.
Members are also invited to contribute to forthcoming APNIC products by participating in product testing and user research interviews.
A large turnout to the conference is expected, so be sure to arrive early to collect your registration badge.
If you have any issues or queries, please visit the APNIC Lounge or keep an eye out for APNIC staff, who will be wearing bright stickers on their registration badges and will be happy to help.
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