If you manage Internet number resources in the APNIC Whois Database, you are requested to provide contact information so that people can contact you for network abuse or troubleshooting.
You and your colleagues might have created person objects for this purpose. However, from time to time a person performing a role may change. If you have a lot of resource contacts to manage, updating person contacts can be time consuming.
To make this task easier, we recommend using ‘role objects’.
What are role objects?
A role object is similar to a person object. It describes a role performed by a group of people; for example, a helpdesk or network operation centre.
Read more about role objects, and an example of role and person objects.
Benefits of a role object include:
- Not needing to update each individual resource record when a contact’s position has changed.
- Abuse complaints can be handled by a group of people instead of one individual.
- Avoiding sharing personal contact information in the public whois database.
Getting started with role objects
First, check your resources in the APNIC Whois Database to see if you are already using role objects for contacts. If not, you can create a role object and replace your person object via MyAPNIC.
If you need any assistance, please contact the APNIC Helpdesk.
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