APNIC participated at the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy 2018 (APIGA 2018) in South Korea, Republic of Korea, from 23 to 27 July 2018.
This was the third edition of a five-day capacity development workshop, co-organized by ICANN and KISA, attended by around 40 students from universities in South Korea and the Asia Pacific. This initiative is aimed at introducing the next generation of Internet leaders to Internet governance issues, and building a better understanding of the technical aspects of the Internet and multistakeholder governance processes.
APNIC activities:
- Pablo Hinojosa and Sunny Chendi presented the third version of IPGO, a fun and educational tool developed by APNIC to explain IP addressing and networking principles to non-technical audiences. As currently designed, it is a group exercise about building a network. Different modules include: IP addressing, routing, packet-switching, DNS, NATs, and IPv6.
- They also supported the proceedings of the APIGA, mentoring students and facilitating sessions such as the ‘Governance of the Internet’ and the ‘Multistakeholder Policy Making’.
- Sunny and Pablo collaborated with the organizing and speakers’ team to improve the program of 2018, and also participated in various debrief sessions to ensure continuity and support for future APIGA events.
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