The proposal, prop-116-v006: Prohibit to transfer IPv4 addresses in the final /8 block, that reached consensus at APNIC 44 and was implemented thereafter, is back on the table for community discussion at the upcoming APNIC 45 Policy Special Interest Group (Policy SIG) meeting in Kathmandu, Nepal, with a new proposal: prop-123: Modify 103/8 IPv4 transfer policy.
A new version of prop-120: Final /8 pool exhaustion plan will also be discussed, along with continuing discussion of prop-119: Temporary transfers and prop-118: No need policy in APNIC region. (All three did not reach consensus and were sent back to the author for further consideration following APNIC 44.)
The APNIC Policy SIG meets twice a year to consider policy changes submitted by community members. These meetings are just one part of the decision-making process, and Internet stakeholders are encouraged to review the proposals and comment on the mailing list, indicating their support or otherwise for the proposals.
New subscriptions to the Policy SIG Mailing list are immediate and open to anybody with an interest in Internet resource management.
Any consensus decisions made at the Nepal meeting will be posted back to the mailing list for Final Comments before being put before the APNIC Executive Council for endorsement and implementation.
Sunny Chendi and George Odagi discuss highlights on the APRICOT 2018 conference, including the policy to be discussed at the APNIC 45 Policy SIG
Proposals to be discussed at APNIC 45
prop-123: Modify 103/8 IPv4 transfer policy
This proposal allows the transfer of 103/8 addresses without the five-year restriction for delegations made before 14 September 2017.
prop-120: Final /8 pool exhaustion plan
Version two of this proposal provides guidance for exhaustion of the 103/8 pool (Final /8). Once a request cannot be fulfilled from the Final /8, the proposal suggests creating a waiting list that will be managed the same way as the Recovered Pool waiting list. APNIC will therefore manage two waiting lists — the Recovered Pool and the Final /8 Pool.
This proposal does not alter the amount of address space Members may receive from APNIC.
This is a proposal to create a mechanism for temporary transfers that would allow organizations to have resources directly registered under them while they are the custodians of these resources. This could apply to ‘customer assignments’ or to commercial leasing as an alternative to traditional ‘market’ transfer.
prop-118: No need policy in APNIC region
This is a proposal to remove the requirement to demonstrate need when transferring IPv4 addresses into or within the APNIC region. There is an exception where the resources are from an RIR region that requires needs-based policies, in which case, recipients must provide a plan use of at least 50% of the resources within five years. This policy would not apply to AS number transfers.
Policy SIG Co-Chair Elections
The APNIC Secretariat is seeking volunteers to serve as Co-Chair of the Policy SIG. An election for the two Co-Chair positions will be held as the first item on the SIG meeting agenda at APNIC 45.
You can make a nomination using the online form. Nominations are open until 23:59 (UTC +10) on Friday, 23 February 2018.
Stay up-to-date with APNIC policy by subscribing to the Policy Discussion mailing list, and follow the policy discussion at APNIC 45 via the conference webpage and remote participation.
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