Another important event in the Pacific, the Pacific IGF, starts today (17 May 2017) in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The two-day “PacIGF” has not been held since 2011, when the inaugural event was held in Noumea, New Caledonia.
This second iteration of the Pacific IGF has the government of Vanuatu as the driving force and host, and it is taking place as part of the activities of Vanuatu’s now well-known annual event, the Pacific ICT Days.
The program of the Pacific IGF has been developed at great speed and with lots of effort and support of many stakeholders in the Pacific – PiRRC, USP, PICISOC, ICANN, Internet Society, Internet NZ, IGF Support Association, and APNIC.
While it was a challenge to put this event together in a very short period of time, I trust it will have good participation and will follow the IGF format of open and interactive multistakeholder discussions. Elly Tawhai from APNIC played an important part in developing the program.
As I did a couple of weeks ago in Nadi, Fiji, I will be talking in Port Vila about APNIC’s activities in support of building Internet security capacity in the Pacific and a practical, feasible and community-driven approach for building CERTs in this region.
As the Chair of APrIGF MSG, I look forward to engaging with close friends from the Pacific at the Pacific IGF and the ICT Days event. I also look forward, very much, to returning here next year, as Vanuatu is scheduled to host APrIGF in 2018. That will be the first Asia Pacific regional IGF in the Pacific, and a great chance for Asia and the Pacific to come together.
You can follow the event live or watch recordings of the sessions via the Pacific IGF YouTube page.
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