Welcome to APNIC 42! We’re delighted to be holding an APNIC conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka for the first time. We extend our thanks to hosts, Sri Lanka CERT|CC for their support.
If you’ve attended the workshops we hope you found them valuable.
Plan your conference experience
If you haven’t already, make sure you download the meeting app (no longer available), to have the program at your fingertips and plan your schedule. If you’ve opted-in during registration, you will also be able to use the app to network with other delegates.
Hear Sri Lankan Internet pioneer Prof. Rohan Samarajiva discuss Internet connectivity in the Bay of Bengal, and Zaid Ali Kahn share the story behind LinkedIn’s successful IPv6 deployment at the Opening Ceremony.
We’re pleased to also have the Honourable Minister Eran Wickramaratne – Deputy Minister of State Enterprises and Entrepreneurship, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and Minister Hasanul Haq Inu – Ministry of Information, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, join us to share their welcome remarks.
Check out the Network Performance, DNS and INR Security and Network Operations sessions to hear Internet experts such as Geoff Huston, Merike Kaeo, Yoshinobu Matsuzaki and Kam Sze Yeung discuss the latest technologies shaping the Internet. FIRST.org will also be holding two technical sessions, where discussion will centre on current cybersecurity threats, mitigation techniques and collaboration.
Policy SIG
Two proposals: prop-116: Prohibit to transfer IPv4 addresses in the final /8 block; and A Proposal to revise eligible voters of Chair election and Chair’s term are under discussion in the Policy Special Internet Group (SIG), so be sure to attend and share your views. There will also be discussion on whois data quality improvement, public safety and accuracy of IP address whois, and a range of updates on resource delegation and address transfer trends.
Hear from APNIC’s Senior Policy Specialist, Adam Gosling, who discusses the Policy Development Process, and outlines what’s happening at the three Policy SIG sessions.
If this is your first time at an APNIC conference, check out the Newcomers page on the APNIC 42 website for useful information.
Member Services lounge
If you have any queries about your number resources or membership, visit the Member Services lounge on the ground floor of the Hilton Colombo (by the grand ballroom). APNIC staff will be on hand to assist. If you update your whois contacts while at the lounge, you’ll get a cool t-shirt. You might also win a prize just for dropping by!

Update your whois contacts at the lounge and get this cool t-shirt
NRO NC election
On-site voting for the vacant seat on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) starts on Wednesday, 5 October, when announced by the Election Chair and closes at 14:00 (UTC +5:30) that afternoon. See who the nominees are and cast your vote.
Enjoy the conference
We hope you enjoy the conference. If you have any issues, visit the Member Services lounge or keep an eye out for APNIC staff, who will be wearing bright stickers on their registration badges and will be happy to help.
The views expressed by the authors of this blog are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of APNIC. Please note a Code of Conduct applies to this blog.