I hope you’ll pardon a little trip down memory lane here at APNIC. Exactly one year ago today we wrote a post welcoming everyone to the blog, explaining how it worked and inviting your participation and feedback.
We were a little nervous though. What if nobody came to read it?
We really hoped the blog would be something the community would find valuable. We started it not only to simplify APNIC’s online communications, but in our view there was a niche that really wasn’t being served elsewhere: a place online where the numbering community in the Asia-Pacific (and beyond) could get the latest news and views from the community.
Well… 12 months, 399 posts and 95,000 views later, it seems our hunch was right!
So, one year on, this is a thank you note – thanks to everyone in the APNIC community and wider Internet community who has supported this blog to make it a success – by coming to read the articles, making comments, contributing guest posts, and providing feedback. We really appreciate your support.
If you have something you’d like to share with the APNIC community on the blog, please get in touch. We’ve had 30 guest blog posts in the past year from the community and we’d love to publish more.
Equally, we welcome suggestions for topics you’d like to read more about. We’re keen to keep improving the blog so it continues to be a valuable resource for you, and so it can enjoy many more birthdays in future!
The views expressed by the authors of this blog are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of APNIC. Please note a Code of Conduct applies to this blog.